Stake SOL in Backpack Wallet

Stake SOL in Backpack Wallet

1) Download the Backpack Wallet app or extension

2) Create a new Account and deposit SOL to your Wallet

3) Select Solana (SOL) from the token list and open the Staking menu

4) Select 'Add Stake'

5) Enter the SOL amount and select 'Stake' and approve the transaction

6) Select 'View Stakes' to see your funds

FAQs about staking SOL with Backpack

What is the minimum amount of SOL needed to stake?

  • .0001 SOL

How long should I stake my SOL tokens?

  • SOL is typically staked for long periods of time, one year at a minimum.

Can I unstake my SOL at any time?

  • You can unstake SOL at any time however you must wait for the next Solana epoch to withdrawal.

What is the Mad Validator?

  • The Mad Validator is Backpack owned and managed. It began operations after the Mad Lads NFT collection launch.

Stake SOL in the Backpack Wallet via the Mad Validator today!

Download Backpack Wallet here.

Do you have questions or require further information?

Click the red Live Chat button in the lower right of your screen or contact us via email at: support@backpack.exchange

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